Woodland Learning – let’s go and explore!
Our Woodland Learning programme and co-curricular opportunities develop teamwork, leadership and resilience, with endless chances to try and grow. They also provide space and time for simple childhood pursuits, finding frogs, planting vegetables and dissecting tree stumps, all in the company of friends. Outdoor Learning provides opportunities to take risks, to tell stories, to be physical and to take care of wellbeing and health.
Every week the children in the Pre-Prep go out to explore our woodlands and participate in Forest School activities with our trained Forest School teacher; many of the class teachers also find reasons to go outside for Science, History and Geography based topic lessons and RE. The highlight of the year for the older children is the winter night-time woodland walk which finishes with hot dogs and marshmallows by the campfire.
Sustainability and the Environment
Here at Cheam we have blossoming passion for the environment. The Pre-Prep has a Green Team who support green living and give out suggestions for action in assembly.
Each week the children gather together to make plans, both long and short term, as to how we can look after our own environment and help the planet. Over the last year we have had litter picks, battery hunts, electricity-cutting drives and water-saving initiatives, along with some inspirational speakers. The team meet with Grounds, Catering and Maintenance teams to hold them to account and to pool their ideas. The children drive this forward, championing ideas that are close to their own hearts and taking responsibility for the direction of the school. All of this wonderful work is led by our Head of Sustainability who ensures the whole school plays its part in ensuring a greener future for us all.