By teaching computing in the Pre-Prep we equip children to participate in a rapidly changing world where learning and leisure activities are increasingly transformed by technology. IT skills support children’s learning across the curriculum and are a major factor in enabling children to be confident, creative and independent learners.
We aim to encourage the children to:
- Develop IT capability in finding, selecting and using information
- Use IT for effective and appropriate communication
- Develop their skills in using hardware and software to enable them to manipulate information and solve problems appropriately
- Apply their IT skills and knowledge to their learning in other areas.
Teaching and Learning
Early Years
IT is part of the continuous provision in Early Years and the children always have access to computers, iPads and BeeBots. This forms part of the provision for Knowledge and Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design. Children also use cameras, recording equipment, BeeBots and music centres to develop their understanding. They are encouraged to independently access and choose IT as a medium to support their learning.
In Year 1 the children access IT in the classroom by using SurfaceGo laptops, iPads and Beebots.
Then, in Year 2 the children start to visit the Computing Lab on a weekly basis. This enables them to be introduced to the learning objective of each unit as a whole class and they follow the National Curriculum and scheme of work using PurpleMash. In the classroom the children have access to iPads, BeeBots and digital cameras.