The uniform lists for boys and girls in the prep school can be found in the blue box above.
- All items, including shoes, must be clearly marked using the child’s initials and surname.
- All clothing must fit and be in good repair.
- Hair below collar length must be tied back.
- Hair accessories must be navy blue, red, royal blue or match the natural hair colour of the child.
- No jewellery of any description may be worn with school uniform.
- The quantity of uniform as stated above is compulsory. At the start of each term your child should return with the full complement of sportswear, to allow for regular laundry and complete kit changes as necessary.
All items listed in the Stevensons or Masuri columns must come from these suppliers.
School uniform outfitters
Stevensons, 243 – 245 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7HN
Tel: 01865 554559
School sportswear outfitters
Masuri Group Ltd, Unit F Wykeham Industrial Estate, Moorside Road, Winchester SO23 7RX
Main Line: 01962 715818