Switch Off Day | Cheam School
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From lesson content to lights, devices, printing, taps, use of spaces and food production, Cheam embraced a whole school switch off day! The aim of the day is to increase awareness and promote discussion on how we use energy and resources. It was great to see so many classes taking their learning outdoors or thinking of alternative ways to save energy while going about their day. The absence of technology and screens created a wonderful sense of social connection, active engagement and communal purpose.

The majority of lessons took place outside. The staff and children made use of the natural resources around them. Rocks were used to form diagrams of how sediment moves within rivers. Leaves, feathers, flowers and various plants were used in a treasure hunt as part of the Year 6 and 7s chasse aux trésors naturels! The pool, Astro and pitches were measured in size and volume, and the pagoda and Cheam Tops were used for open air performances in Drama and English! The whole school also enjoyed lunch outdoors with some deliciously prepared baguettes from the culinary team! It was truly a whole team Cheam effort and it was a very special day.

Thank you to Miss Gardner, the Eco-Committee and the Events Team for all the planning and thought that went into the day!

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