There was an international flavour to this year’s Poetry Performance Evening.After a lively kick off by Tatiana S and Olivia R, Miss Millar treated the audience to a surprisingly touching poem about geography. A few poems later “Le lievre et la tortue” was performed by Madame Monsauret, and, later in the evening, we heard William Blake’s “The Tyger” performed in Russian, Spanish, French and Italian. Of course, the audience was treated to the mellifluous tones of Mr Cageao’s American accent throughout the evening. New to the school, Mr Braans boldly performed an original composition titled “Thoughts on Language”.Other highlights included: “On the Ning Nang Nong” performed by Jemima I, William C and Catharine B; “What on Earth are You Talking About” by 6AR; “I Am” by Rhea P; “Little Red Riding Hood” by Phoebe S and Niamh R and “May You Always” by Yasmin A.The evening concluded with the division limbo limerick competition which was skilfully won by Beck!Flickr album: Poetry 2019 | Height: auto | Theme: Default