The return of Room 101 this year marked a slight tweak to the format, with an expert judging panel of Mrs Riggs, Mr Donald and Mr Glycopantis assessing the persuasive techniques on show. We witnessed some impassioned speeches on a variety of subjects, from a light-hearted lecture on the mystery of missing socks, to a damning report on the state of public loos. Alongside these pet peeves featured some serious subjects, such as air pollution and smoking, which were tackled with bravery and conviction. Ultimately, we were treated to a splendid evening of persuasion, and we commend every child who took to the stage and performed.Scarlett won the Year 6 category with her critique of clowns, Beau won a highly competitive Year 7 category with his sinister take on Santa Claus. Bella won the first of our Year 8 categories by laying bare the woes of one-upmanship, and Poppy won our second with her humorous assessment of non-chocolate advent calendars. A big βthank youβ to everyone who supported this event!