Jubilee Celebrations Galore! | Cheam School

The Jubilee Week at Cheam has been nothing short of spectacular! It has provided so many opportunities for us to come together as a community; from the Jubilee Service on Saturday to the whole School Assembly and our ‘red, white and blue’ day when the children enjoyed tugs of war, traditional ‘Punch and Judy’ and treasure hunts. The Jubilee Banquet and, of course, the Parent and Staff Quiz night were also highlights of the week. Chances to photograph the community came both formally for the annual school photograph and informally by drone as we captured everyone together, shaped as a large 70, on the cricket pitches.Our thanks for everyone’s enormous efforts in making this such a memorable and magical week for the children, these days are surely ones for the memory bank of childhood. For those looking back at their childhoods from much further down the track, we were thrilled to welcome a senior group of Cheam Alumni on Friday. They delighted in treading the paths from their pasts at Cheam and enjoyed school lunch in the dining room.

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