Our Pre-Prep Green Team have been busy over the past week, particularly on Friday when we held our Eco Day. With activities inspired by the children’s ideas we started work on transforming our Sensory Garden so that it has a future as a rich environment for wildlife, a place for growing vegetables and a place to relax and enjoy nature.We started by clearing some of our raised beds and planting marigolds and nasturtiums to compliment the vegetables that have been planted in Gardening Club. We also renovated our bug hotel with special homes for all the bugs that we found in the garden on our bug hunt! In the future we hope to be able to enjoy tomatoes from our tomato plants and strawberries, raspberries and potatoes from the rest of the garden.Over in our woodland area we made bird feeders for the birds and tried to identify the different calls. We made houses for hedgehogs whilst learning about their decline in our forests and countryside. It has been lovely to see so many of the children using their breaktimes to water their plants and how exciting to see the seedlings become flowers!