Concerto Concert - Musical Magic | Cheam School

Concerto ConcertFrom beautiful Baroque music to the haunting melodies of Metallica, the annual Concerto Concert on 31 January encompassed a diverse range of musical styles and certainly didn’t disappoint. The fruits of many hours of practice, as well as the dedication of the instrumental teachers, were evident on an occasion that will stay in the memory for many years to come.Ollie W opened the evening with a sparkling performance of Finzi’s Prelude, followed by a sophisticated rendition of Telemann’s Minuet from the Suite in A minor by Maddie W. A heartfelt duet by Daisy V and Aggie J then transported the audience to the Land of Oz. Musical and spirited performances followed from Jonathon D, Yasmin A and India B with viola player Charlotte T concluding the first group of soloists.The orchestra stole the spotlight briefly with Miss Moore expertly leading a flute version of The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba and Mr. Bennett demonstrating his viola-playing skills!Opening the final section of the concert, Alex R gave a dazzling performance on saxophone to a rapturous reception, paving the way for the ensemble items to follow; an impressive cello trio, a guitar duet and a lively contribution from the choir.Huge thanks must be extended to Mr. Lindsey-Clark, Mr. Williams, Mr. Morriss and Mr. Bennett for their orchestration, Mrs Coxwell for her tuition and support, all peripatetic staff for their teaching, encouragement and participation, the professional musicians who generously gave of their time and, not least, to the soloists, pupils and parents without whom the concert would not have taken place. As usual, Mr. Bennett worked his musical magic to ensure that the evening ran smoothly and retained its reputation as a wonderful highlight in the musical year at Cheam.Flickr album: Concerto 2020 | Height: auto | Theme: Default

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