At the start of our Saturday Service, we welcomed and blessed the new Chapel Choir. This year, we have 43 wonderful Year 8 singers, who have chosen to be part of this special team. They looked suitable angelic wearing their cassocks and processing for the first time. Our thanks to Mrs Coxwell and the Matrons, who helped to robe the Choir.
Mr Milbank formally admitted the Choristers and reminded them of the privilege and responsibility of leading our singing and worship. They are a talented team with considerable energy and bravado and Mr B is excited by the journey ahead. The Choir shared a poignant anthem Ubi Caritas and sang in three parts with confidence and musicality. We might even venture into four parts soon, as some of the young ‘gentlemen’ are now definitely basses! We were joined by Will Bridges, Assistant Head of Teaching and Learning at Bryanston School. He kindly shared some thoughts on the theme of hope – reminding us all of the positivity connected with that simple word. It was a lovely Service, with some confident readings and reflective prayers enjoyed by the School and many parents who came to support.