Familiarisation Days
For children who are registered, we invite them to join us for a Familiarisation Day (or morning for some of the younger pupils) in the year before their proposed entry date. This is designed to be a relaxed experience where the children spend the day with their current peer group and follow the normal timetable including games. Children are allocated a ‘substance’ to look after them, to guide them around the school, make them feel at home and introduce them to their friends. The purpose of the day is to give the child the opportunity to see what a typical school day looks like and for prospective parents and the School to assess the suitability of Cheam for the child. There are no tests or exams for the child to pass as we are a non-selective school but we ask them to do some informal verbal and non-verbal exercises so that we can gauge their current academic level which can help us in ascertaining which class or set might be most suitable.
Stay and Play
For registered children who are due to start in Nursery or Reception, instead of a familiarisation day, we will invite them and their parents to join us for a Stay and Play session. This is a fun hour-long play session and a chance for the School to meet the child as well as for the parents to meet some of the Early Years Staff and other prospective families.