Welcome to our Year 2 trip to Mill on the Brue! This week was a showcase of all the work that the teachers and children have put into the hidden curriculum. Over the two days that the Year 2 children spent at Mill on the Brue, I saw independence, resilience, confidence and kindness around every corner.
Everyone managed their own kit! From carrying it to their dormitory, to unpacking and making sure that sleeping bags were on beds, clothes were folded away and toothbrushes were used (!) the children showed great independence in their personal care and responsibility for their belongings.
Everyone tried every activity! Two days of canoeing, assault course with rope swings, tunnels and climbing apparatus, grass tobogganing, climbing wall and zip wire, the children were ready to try everything that was thrown at them. Some were a little daunted by the height of the climbing wall, but they had a go and a commendation must go to the ‘Frogs’ team, of which every member reached the top and rang the bell! Every child showed confidence in their ability and ‘had a go’ at every activity.
Many children tried activities that they had not tried before! The zip wire was pretty high for a seven year old, and there were a few shaking legs as they stood on the platform, but there were few hesitations when it was time to jump and the whoop of elation as they started the run down the wire was always one of joy! The assault course was tackled and mastered and throughout the trip the children kept going, in spite of a late night and early morning! Great resilience!
I also saw kindness. When a child fell over, another would be there to pick them up, if a child got stung by the nettles, four more were circling to give advice on dock leaves and to sympathise, and when a child in the dormitory could not sleep, the rest kept him company with chatter and discussion!! The children showed teamwork when paddling the canoes together (most of the time!) and gave encouragement when a child needed that extra support to climb one step higher on the wall.
But, most importantly, the best thing I saw were smiles on faces from dawn till dusk (apart from when the nettles got too close!). It was a pleasure to see the obvious enjoyment that the children got from all the activities and from being outside in the warm sunshine with their friends. And to hear the excited chatter on the coach coming home! (Are none of you as exhausted as your teachers?!)