In add to our culture of kindness and our desire to put mental health front and centre, we are fortunate to have a space that embodies our approach – The Nest. A special place to relax, unwind and connect with others. It is a calm space, tucked away off the main school courtyard.
Learning at Cheam is broad as well as deep. For learning to be most effective we develop, nurture and see the whole child. While this is about providing a multitude of opportunities in the Arts, Sports and Outdoor Pursuits, alongside academic life, it is also about mental health and wellbeing being a priority every day.
We know that children learn best if they are happy and secure, and those with good mental health are best able to cope with day-to-day challenges and to grow in self-confidence to become resilient and positive young people. Children who are emotionally well, are able to engage in learning and thrive academically and socially.
Cheam is known for outstanding pastoral care. Our dedicated team of teachers and highly effective pastoral systems ensure that all pupils are included and supported. Tutors, mentors, school counsellors, house system, boarding staff all work together to support the children. There are daily meetings with tutors; form time; PSHCEE lessons taught by all tutors with syllabus tailor-made by staff to meet needs of the children.
The Nest – The Heart of Cheam
In additional to our culture of kindness and our desire to put mental health front and centre, we are fortunate to have a space that embodies our approach – The Nest.
The Nest is a special space to relax, unwind and connect with others. It is a calm room, tucked away off the main school courtyard and is open to children at break times.
Activities are set up on various lunch breaks and Year 8 Wellbeing Ambassadors or Wellbeing Staff are available to meet with children whenever needed. In addition to the beautiful Nest space, there is also a courtyard garden connected to the room, which allows for outdoor activities.
Children can choose to complete mindful colouring activities, draw on the blackboard walls, complete jigsaws, build with lego, read a book, practise yoga or sit and chill under the indoor tree.
Each year group has a set of wellbeing sessions in the Nest, equipping them with tools to use to manage their own mental health. When needed group sessions and 1-1 sessions take place in The Nest, giving children the opportunity to discuss problems and learn how to manage their wellbeing.
The Nest is used by the Pre-Prep department for Yoga lessons and staff and parents also have the opportunity to take part in yoga sessions. The Wellbeing Team offer CBT for light touch intervention and the staff are trained in CBT Level 3. Our school Councillor is available for regular sessions for any pupils that need support both ongoing or short term.