Musical Afternoon and Music Awards | Cheam School

Musical Afternoon | Chances to have a go!Year 3 children attended the Instrumental Afternoon this week to watch the music staff demonstrate their specialist instruments. Hands-on trial sessions followed with a vast array of instruments available for ‘bashing’, ‘blowing’, ‘buzzing’ or ‘bowing’. Some excellent first sounds could be heard echoing around the music department prompting us to wonder who the orchestral stars of the future might be…?!Musical reflections | Choirs, Bands, Orchestra and Certificates galore!It has been a joyous start to the musical summer. Pre-term parties with the Jazz Band and Orchestra have enabled us to launch some exciting musical events. The children have loved playing through their new ensemble booklets and we have been so impressed with their sight reading. We have hit the ground running with all the various Choirs and had an energetic meet up of the Chapel Choir, the Cheam Community Choir and the Year 7 Choir last Friday evening to start preparations for the Queen’s Jubilee. We will be treating her to some familiar Coronation Celebrations. In Assembly, it was a pleasure to hand out 53 certificates from last term’s music exams, well done everyone! With 30 Merits and 12 Distinctions in the set and some awesome high grades, Mr Bennet was particularly delighted. What a super start to the Jubilee Term.

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