The anticipation for the performances of Grease began building many weeks ago but reached a crescendo last week as showtime approached! Year 8 had been making careful and excited preparations and these resulted in some absolutely stunning performances on the drama, dance and music front. Lines were spoken clearly and emotively, dancing was enthusiastic and singing was energetic and pitch-perfect. Soloists enjoyed their moment to shine and produced some most impressive performances. Costumes, make-up, sound and lighting, as well as backstage crew all came together to create an absolute highlight to the term. Huge thanks must be extended to Mike Scott and his team, the art department, Mr. Bennett and his band, Hayley for brilliant choreography and, of course, to Miss McSweeney for her passion and thorough preparation. None of this could have happened, however, without the wonderful support of parents and some extremely hard work by a rather gifted group of children; what a special moment for them all to reflect on in years to come. Congratulations to all involved!