So with Science Week and Easter fast approaching, it was time for the annual trip to Godolphin for their Great Egg Challenge.Having won the competition last year there was not too much pressure on the 12 girls from Cheam.This latest challenge was to design the ‘land-boat’ to carry an egg across their watery-theatre powered by the wind (fans). So after 50 minutes of cutting, sticking, glueing, blu-tacking, pasting and hammering, all three groups produced a mechanical work of art. This was taken up onto the stage ready for the grand release with the other 21 boats. Three of the first five groups completed the task at varying speeds. The vast majority of the remaining contraptions didn’t quite make it, with some just falling over.The three Cheam teams were the last to launch, and so had the opportunity to shine. Our first group positively rocketed from one side to the other. The next two groups both sailed well but were not set up correctly in relation to the fans meaning that both almost made it, one stopping just 10 cm short.Onto the judging… It was great to see our first group picking up top spot, the trophy and the biggest Easter eggs, following their strong performance in the challenge. The other groups also fed very well earning them smaller eggs. It was an egg-cellent day with super teamwork and creativity. Mr S Summers and Mr S HainesFlickr album: Godolphin 2020 | Height: auto | Theme: Default