An extremely excited choir, together with staff, set off for Evensong at Winchester Cathedral on 27 November.On arrival, everyone gathered for a rehearsal of the music and to be seated. Instructions of when and how to process were given and pupils and staff also had the opportunity to practise with the cantor. Following a short break, pupils donned their cassocks full of anticipation for this momentous occasion.A hush descended over the choir as they assumed their positions with Mr. and Mrs Harris and parents looking on expectantly. The choir sang beautifully and rose to the occasion after weeks of rehearsals and much hard work from Mr. Bennett and Mrs Coxwell. The participation of members of staff was greatly appreciated and the enthusiastic response from the children reflected what an exciting and memorable opportunity they had been fortunate enough to enjoy. Everyone is already looking forward to next year!Flickr album: Winchester 2019 | Height: auto | Theme: Default